Visit to Moral Home for Disabled & Moral Hostel for Disabled

本总会康乐组及福利组于2011年10月1日( 星期六)早上11时正,拜访德教太和观属下迟钝院。当天出席的宗亲约11人,宗亲们乐捐了手推钢车、生活药品及自助素餐,行善为乐,回馈社会,宗亲与青少年亲切交谈,关心和了解他们的日常生活以及成长近况。过后,青少年们很开心的享用备好的自助午餐。
On October 1st 2011, Ang Shee General Association welfare group of 11 members visited the Moral Home for Disabled & Moral Hostel for Disabled. Ang Shee General Association donated push carts and common medicine for the home.
A vegetarian buffet was provided by Ang Shee General Association to bring joy to the least fortunate. Through the interaction, the members had a better understanding on the daily challenges faced by the disabled and in turn learned to be more caring and generous towards the least fortunate.
It was definitely a heart warming event having able to contribute back to society; showering care for the disabled.