Annual Dinner

——2013 Annual Dinner Impression
This year, Ang Shee General Association strides into its 48th anniversary. During this period we had experienced many ups and downs, gone through difficult times. However, we had steadily progressed towards our goals because our clan elders and clan fellow members had upheld the spirit of love and co-operation.
On 7 December 2013, the association held its Annual Dinner to celebrate the:
48th Anniversary of Ang Shee General Association;
43rd Anniversary of the Benevolent Committee;
5th Anniversary of the Woman’s Group; and
1st Anniversary of the Youth Group.
The 44th Bursary Award ceremony was also conducted during the event for children of clan fellow members with outstanding academic results, emphasizing the importance of education.
At about 10 am, members made their way to the association hall to prepare ancestral offerings and prayers. The ceremony led by the chairman, Clan Elder Lian Kwang, took place at noon seeking blessings for every clan member’s good health and happiness. After the rites, members had a simple but hearty lunch at the association.
Management committee members arrived at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant as early as 6.00 pm, to ensure that everything was in order for the event. These included packing Newsletter, Calendar and New Membership Application Forms into goodie bags, seating arrangements and deployment of members to welcome guests. Our Guest-Of-Honour, Honorary Advisor and Honorary Trustee Clan Elder Liat Kiat (皇冠徽章) arrived at 7.30 pm, followed by Chairman of Liu Kwee Tang, Clan Elder Ang Chee Guan PBM, guests from various Liu Kwee Tang members (local and overseas), representative from various societies, clan members and their relatives had turned up for this grand event.
The biggest difference noted from previous celebrations was that more clan members had participated in this year’s annual dinner. This enthusiastic response reflects fellow clan members’ appreciation and support on the hard work and contributions made by our committee members throughout the year. In addition to fellow clan members’ participation, invited guests from other associations and affiliation also joined in the merriment by singing and dancing in celebration together.
Dinner started at about 8.15 pm. While food was being served, a slideshow was screened on stage, showing the content and structure of the newly revamped website. In the Opening Address made by Clan Elder Lian Kwang (Chairman), he thanked the management committee members for their contribution and commitment despite their busy work and business commitments. He hoped that they could continue providing their expertise to the association. He also sincerely hopes that more young members could participate in our various organised activities and join the management committee. The certificates for new Honorary Patrons were then issued by Clan Elder Lian Kwang (Chairman) to motivate more participation and contributions from clan members.
Members from the Woman’s Group entertained guests showcasing their gracefulness with group and solo singing performance.
This year, our Scholarship Director Clan Fellow Peng Hong announced the 44th Bursary Award recipients’ list for outstanding academic excellence by the children of clan fellow members. The awards were presented by our Committee Advisors Clan Elder Gee Seng and Toon Lip to encourage students to achieve greater academic heights. A representative from the recipients, student Ong Ling Vicky gave a short speech thanking Clan Elders and Clan Fellow members for their encouragement and affirmation of support. In her speech, she highlighted that the strengthening of our Chinese cultural roots can be felt from this large family, and would certainly contribute back to the association and society in future.
Next in a speech, General Affairs Director Clan Fellow Ah Chye, thanked all members and association representatives for attending the event and foresee good progress in the future development of Ang Shee General Association. Thereafter, all committee members and Women’s Group members proposed three grand toasts with all guests for a prosperous Singapore and booming Association, prosperous business of all guests, and last but not least good health for everyone.
Looking back these 48 years, our clan fellow have supported and encouraged one another through difficult times. Throughout these glorious 48 years, we had overcome challenges and adversity by aiming for common goals together.
We firmly believe that the association can perform better in the coming years!
Ang Shee General Association is my loving family!
On our journey, we will always walk together!
Ang Shee General Association will certainly become brighter and more brilliant.
The event was carried out smoothly in a cordial and warm atmosphere. It was a very memorable and enjoyable night with good food and marvellous music and art performances. Reluctantly the dinner came to a close at 10.30 pm, but everyone was looking forward to next year's event.