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6th Annual Parents' Day Celebration cum Inauguration Ceremony (2015-16)

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant





就职典礼过后,随着热情洋溢的音乐声,双亲节宴会正式开始,浓浓的亲情烘托着一派温馨祥和的氛围,宗亲们济济一堂,畅叙宗亲情谊;在司仪的带动下,全体宗亲参与的互动游戏节目,带动全场气氛,宗亲们都紧张而兴奋地参与在其中,更把喜庆温馨的气氛推上了高潮。妇女组主任桦姿宗亲上台致词,感谢大家对总会活动的参与与 支持,同时感恩父母的无私而伟大奉献精神,也谢谢妇女组全体组员对活动的鼎力支持。


The Recreation Committee of the Association organised a 3 days 4 nights trip to Penang, Kuala Sepetang and Ipoh. A total of 21 Clan members and their families signed up for the event. They assembled at the association in the evening of 18 June 2015, starting their journey to Penang at 8:30 pm by coach.

During the trip, the tour group travelled across the famous Penang Bridge, which is the 2nd longest bridge in Malaysia connecting Penang and the Malaysia Peninsula. The group visited the South East Asia's largest Buddhist temple, "Kek Lok Si" (极乐寺) and also went to the Clan Jetties, a century-old Chinese settlement of 6 jetties named after 6 different Chinese clans. They also got a chance to appreciate Penang Street Art during their stay in Georgetown, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

At Kuala Sepetang, a small fishing village located off the Taiping, Perak state coast, they visited the biggest Charcoal production factory in Malaysia, followed by taking a scenic boat ride to view Matang mangrove forest, the largest unbroken expanse of mangrove swamp forest remaining in Malaysia. Over there, they observed eagles looking for food and visited the fish farm.

The group also had a relaxing time immersing themselves in the hot springs at the Lost World of Tambun in Ipoh. Everyone had lots of fun during their bike trip around the city, which gave them the opportunity to buy local food products and souvenirs. It was a rewarding experience.

The group also celebrated Father's Day, which happened to fall within the duration of the trip, and the tour members wished the best of health for all fathers on the trip.

This 3D/4N trip has not only allowed the clan members to enjoy the natural scenery and appreciate the cultural and historical beauty of Malaysia, but also fostered better bonds between fellow clan members, leaving behind beautiful memories for them.

​Event Photos

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