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52nd Anniversary Celebrations

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant


宴会上,两光主席致欢迎词略说:"走过52年岁月的翁氏总会,要代代相传继续走下去,就必须无间断的招募宗亲加入会籍,与时并进、推动会务、团结一心" 。在他颁发证书给新名誉会长春沐与金禄宗亲后,大会贵宾海春PBM 宗长致词。他赞许两光主席的领导,除了联络宗亲,也致力公益事业,造福民众的福利。新加坡六桂堂会务顾问洪静源拿督斯里 PBM宗长也上台致词,促请翁氏总会多参与宗乡总会主办的活动,以便传承华族传统文化。

颁发会员子女勤学奖励金典礼后,飏慧同学代表得奖学生发表得奖感言时说:"得奖,是荣誉,是肯定,是能够推动得奖人,继续坚持走下去的动力" 。她也呼吁在座得奖同学们踊跃参与青年组所策划及举办的各项活动。



To celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the foundation of ASGA, an ancestor worship ceremony was held on 9/12/17 at the Association's Yan Guan Hall. On that day, the rite of chanting scriptures was led by the Taoist Priest, asking for ancestors' blessing for good health and successful career for the clan members, and praying for better tomorrow. The Association also organised a banquet on 16/12/17 at Paya Lebar Qian Xi Restaurant to serve the members. The Association's Honorary Advisor cum Trustee, clan elder Hai Choon PBM, was the Guest-of-Honor.

At the banquet, President Lian Kwang said briefly, "ASGA, having passed through 52 years, has to continue from one generation to another. We must continue to recruit clansmen to join the membership and cooperate to promote the Association affairs". After he awarded certificates to new Honorary Patrons Choon Bock and Kin Loke, Guest-Of-Honor Hai Choon PBM gave a speech. He praised the leadership of President Lian Kwang who, in addition to bonding the clan fellows, also devoted himself to public welfare and benefit of the public. Following that, Singapore Liu Kwee Tang Committee Advisor, clan elder Ang Chee Guan Datuk Seri, PBM also gave a speech. He urged ASGA to actively participate in the events organised by the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (SFCCA) so as to inherit the traditional Chinese Culture.

After the ceremony of awarding bursary to children of members, Yang Hwee, a student representing the awardees, gave a speech of appreciation and said, "Receipt of award is an honour, an affirmation, and able to propel the award recipients to continue to adhere to the motivation". She also appealed to the award recipients to participate actively in the events planned and organised by the Youth Committee.

Then General Affairs Director, clan fellow Ah Chye followed with a speech in which he said: "Clan relations are fate or destiny, and clans' affection come from the heart. In these years, we could witness the achievement of our Association. However, we had to keep pace with the times to catch up with the ever-changing new economic era". Subsequently, all the committee members proceeded to the stage for having group photograph taken. They then proposed three toasts together with the guests.

On that night, a total of around 590 clan members and guests attended the celebration dinner. There were local and Malaysian singers performing concert to entertain the participants during the banquet. A lot of clan fellows had turned up with all their family members, some were even present with three generations. Together, they enjoyed the food and performances, chatted with one another and liven up the occasion. The banquet started at 8 p.m. and ended at 10.30 p.m.

​Event Photos

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