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Spring Festival Ancestor Worship Ceremony cum "Respect the Elderly" Lunch Gathering

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant

2019年2月16日 星期六, 农历正月十二日早上11点30分,翁氏总会与琼崖翁氏公会第一次在总会盐官堂统一举行传统新春敬拜祖先仪式。 当理事宗亲在祖先案前摆放好五牲、祭品及金银纸帛,欢腾的锣鼓声开始响起––那是醒狮团带来开年的祝贺!随着财神爷在会所大厅派送绒布猪娃娃,祝福大家兴旺好运、诸事顺意。 主席两光与柏林带领众宗亲向祖先上香敬礼,祈福大家身体健康,万事如意。

隔天正月十三日中午, 翁氏总会与新加坡六桂堂其他五姓(洪、江、方、龚 、汪)宗亲团体在千禧楼(花拉公园)联办新春团拜暨敬老会午宴。 今年有300多位宗亲和家属出席,大会贵宾为洪茂诚宗长。第一道上桌的是举足轻重的"捞鱼生"。随即司仪逐一解说每样配料的吉祥含义,每桌的代表按顺序把鱼生、酱料、配料倒入盛着各种鲜果蔬菜盘中。紧接司仪一声 "捞啊" 的号召下,大家举筷同捞, 把盤里的食材高高捞起,一边捞一边兴高采烈的大声高喊:"年年有余" 、"心想事成" 、"步步高升" 、发啊!发啊!发啊! 顿时春的喜悦笼罩了整间宴会厅。 宗亲们在享受美食的同时, 也观赏歌手们在台上的表演。 午宴其间, 主席两光和大会贵宾洪茂诚BBM宗长到各个桌席给六桂宗亲逐一贺年,并派发红包, 祝大家财运兴旺。 随后,总会署理主席尔谦宗亲和理事给已报名登记且符合条件的年满65岁翁氏宗亲和家属献上敬老会红包,以示敬老尊贤。

两光宗长致词时表示今年出席午宴的人数比去年多, 他很感谢宗亲们的支持和参与。 洪茂诚宗长也即兴作了简短演说,他预告11月16日六桂堂将庆祝50周年纪念, 希望大家届时踊跃参与盛会。


On Saturday, the 12th day of the first month of the Lunar calendar 16 Feb 2019 at 11:30am, the Ang Shee General Association and Kiung Jai Weng Clan Association jointly held a traditional Lunar New Year ancestor worship ceremony for the first time at the associations' Yan Guan Hall. Once committee and clan members had placed the five animal sacrifices, offering, gold and silver paper, and silk on the ancestors' altar, the sound of cheerful gongs and drums started, the celebratory lion dance troupe that opened the festivities. The God of Wealth followed up by giving out flannelette pig dolls to everyone in the association hall, wishing the guests prosperity and smooth dealings. The chairman, Lian Kwang, and Mok Ling led the clan members to pay their respects to the ancestors by burning joss sticks and praying for good health and for things to go the way clan fellow wished.

The next afternoon, on the 13th day of the first month of the Lunar calendar, Ang Shee General Association and the other clan cubs of the five surnames (Hong, Jiang, Fang, Gong, Wang) under Singapore Liu Kwee Tang jointly held a Lunar New Year gathering and lunch for the elderly at Qian Xi Restaurant (Farrer Park). This year, more than 300 clan members and families attended the event. The guest of honour was Ang Mong Seng BBM. The first dish was lohei or Yusheng, a dish which carried great significance. The emcee explained the auspicious implications of each ingredient, and the representative at each table poured the raw fish, sauces, and other ingredients in order onto a plate filled with all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. When the emcee shouted “toss,” the guests lifted their chopsticks to “toss” the ingredients together, raising them as high as possible as they jubilantly shouted good wishes, like “excess every year,” “wishes come to fruition,” “promotions,” or “prosperity.” All at once, the whole banquet hall was shrouded in the joy of spring. While the clan members enjoyed the delicious food, they were also entertained by singers on the stage. During the lunch, the chairman, Lian Kwang, and the guest of honour, Ang Mong Seng BBM, went to each table to greet the Liu Kwee Tang clan members with new year well wishes, give out red packets, and wish each one prosperity and wealth. Following this, the acting president of the General Association, Er Qian Clansman, and committee members presented red packets of respect to the Ang Shee clan members who were 65 years old and who had already registered and fulfilled the conditions, as a show of respect for the aged and the wise.

In his speech, the clan leader, Lian Kwang, pointed out that the number of people who attended this year’s lunch was more than last year, and thanked the clan members for their support and participation. Ang Mong Seng BBM clan leader also gave a short impromptu speech, announcing that Liu Kwee Tang would be celebrating its 50th anniversary on 16 November and expressing hopes that everyone would attend the grand event.

The climax of the program was the group singing of “Spring Returns to the World” and “Wishes of Joy.” In an atmosphere filled with joy, these two songs carried everyone’s wishes, wishing luck for the future of Liu Kwee Tang, while also bringing a perfect end to the celebrations. Though it was already two-thirty in the afternoon, the guests were still reluctant to part as everyone carried a bag of Mandarin oranges as they left the banquet hall. Take care and goodbye!

​Event Photos

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