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53rd Anniversary Celebrations

Qian Xi Paya Lebar Restaurant

翁氏总会于2018 年12月8日(星期六)庆祝成立53周年。 当天中午12点,主席两光宗长与理事、宗亲们在会所的盐官堂敬拜祖先,祈求保佑大家平安、身体健康、事事顺利。 晚间7点30分假巴耶利峇千禧楼设宴招待。受邀嘉宾有会员宗亲、海内外六桂团体、至德团体以及社团代表。 特邀本会名誉顾问兼产业信托人海春PBM宗长为大会主宾及 新加坡六桂堂名誉顾问、裕廊集选区国会议员洪维能宗长为特别嘉宾。

主席两光致欢迎词时,分享他回顾加入总会这33年来所见证的发展里程碑。他感谢宗亲、理事同仁这些年来对总会的支持和付出,并期盼宗亲们再接再厉为总会做出贡献、积极参与来年的活动。 随后,他颁发委任证书给医药顾问狄威医生和两位名誉会长、昌和宗亲和黎娟宗姐。 接着,由财政添进宗亲代表总会颁发慈善基金于KDF。 活动中,大会主宾海春PBM宗长致词,他赞扬宗亲们多年来致力于延续总会的会务发展。洪维能宗长在致词时,则以有趣互动的方式,向嘉宾透露明年政府为纪念新加坡开埠200周年里程碑,将和多个宗教团体、会馆、学校等组织举办一系列活动。揭开序幕的是1月28日在新加坡河岸举行的灯饰活动、年中在福康宁山举行的展览等,让访客了解我国的历史。

本届的会员子女勤学奖由会务顾问任成宗长颁发。 目前就读大学的奖励金得主传凯同学,在发表得奖感言时说:"他十分感谢翁氏总会设立这个奖项,来推动和鼓励学生们不断向上学习。 他也 希望得奖的同学能够饮水思源、在不久的将来为总会的会务出一份力、回馈社会"。颁奖仪式落幕时,司仪集合得奖同学来个团体照把这重要的一刻捕捉下来,留为永恒。

总务崕财宗亲致词时,感谢嘉宾们腾出宝贵的时间来参加今晚的庆典,给我们打气。 他示意总会需要更多资源来推动活动, 且希望更多翁氏族人参与总会的会务, 把活动办得更多姿多彩,注入勃勃生机。

当晚席开60桌, 晚宴会场充满着欢腾气氛。 宾主们除了享用美食和观赏歌台艺人演唱,也在宴会上互相问好、交流,加强了宗谊。执委和全体理事也上台举杯向嘉宾祝福。晚宴直到10点30分圆满结束。

Ang Shee General Association celebrated its 53rd Anniversary on Saturday, 8 December 2018. At noon that day, the Chairman, Lian Kwang, together with the committee and clan members, paid respects to the ancestors in the Yan Guan Hall, praying for safety, good health and success in everything. At 7:30 that evening, a banquet was held at the Qian Xi Restaurant in Paya Lebar. The invited guests included clan members and representatives from local and overseas Liu Kwee Groups, Zhi De Groups, and the community. Guests of honour was Ang Shee General Association's Honorary Advisor cum Trustee, Hai Choon PBM. And the Honorary Advisor of Singapore Liu Kwee Tang and MP for Jurong Group Representation Constituency, Ang Wei Neng was invited as the Special Guest.

In his welcome speech, Lian Kwang shared his recollection of the development milestones he had witnessed since he joined the association 33 years ago. He thanked the clan members and his colleagues in the various committees for their support and contributions to the association all these years. He looked forward to their continuing contributions to the association and their active participation in the activities next year. Later, he presented certificates of appointment to the medical advisor, Dr. Teck Wee, and two Honorary Patrons, Chang Hoe and Lay Kuan. Following that, the Treasurer, Tian Jing presented a charitable fund to KDF on behalf of the association. During the banquet, the guest of honour, Hai Choon PBM, made a speech, praising the clan members for devoting themselves to the continuing development of the committee affairs of the association. In Ang Wei Neng's speech, he used an interesting and interactive style to unveil a series of activities that the government plans to jointly organise with multiple religious groups, guild halls, schools, and other organisations next year to commemorate the milestone of Singapore's 200th anniversary of Port Opening. Unveiling the series of events will be the lighting activities at the Singapore River on the 28 of January 2019, followed by exhibitions and other activities at Fort Canning Park in the middle of next year, which will allow visitors to understand our country's history.

The bursary awards for members' children for this year were given out by the committee Advisor, Gee Seng. Chuan Kai, an award recipient who is pursuing his study in the university, said in his acceptance speech, that he was very grateful to Ang Shee General Association for establishing this award to promote and encourage students to continually pursue their study. He also hoped that the students who received awards would show their gratitude to the source of this benefit and to contribute to the association's affairs in the near future and also to repay to the society. At the end of the award ceremony, the compere gathered all the students who received awards for a group photo, capturing this important moment for remembrance.

Ah Chye, the director in charge of general affairs, thanked all the guests for sparing their precious time to attend this evening's celebration, thus boosting the association's morale. He hinted at the fact that the association needed more resources to promote its activities, and hoped that more Ang Shee clansmen would participate in the committee affairs of the association, making the activities more colourful and injecting them with exuberant vitality.

Guests filled sixty tables that night, and the banquet was filled with a jubilant atmosphere. Besides enjoying delicious food and entertainment programmes, the guests greeted and chatted with one another, strengthening their clan friendship. The executive committee and committee members also went onstage to toast the guests. The dinner party was brought to a successful closure at 10:30 pm.

​Event Photos

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