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National Day 2015 Celebration - Barbecue Night

East Coast Parkway

青年组于八月十五日2015 带领三十几位宗亲及家人在东海岸举行国庆烧烤聚餐会,以让宗亲们在国庆佳节气氛下一同欢聚。

当夜幕降临时,宗亲们已都围绕着那香味诱人的烧烤炉,品尝着青年组准备的美食,其中就包括鸡翅膀、香肠、沙爹、水果等。宗亲们在享用美食时,也相互交流与商讨会务。炳鸿宗亲也帮忙为大家拍照留念取乐,逗得宗亲们开怀大笑, 营造了轻松活跃的气氛。


On 15 August 2015, the Youth Committee of the Association organised a National Day barbecue gathering at East Coast Park in celebration of 50 years of nationhood. Around 30 clan members turned up with their family members.

Before sunset, clan members were already gathering around the BBQ pits, enjoying the sumptuous dinner prepared by the organisers in the Youth Committee. These food included chicken wings, sausages, satay and fruits. While eating, there was deep engagement between members about issues concerning the Association. The entire atmosphere was very lively, with clan fellow Peng Hong entertaining the crowd while he took photos during the event.

This event could only have been possible with the support and encouragement of the clan members and their family members. This event had allowed everyone to enjoy nature's beauty and encouraged bonding between members, leaving everyone with unforgettable memories. Special thanks to the Youth Committee and the Women's Committee for their time and effort put in to make this event a success.

​Event Photos

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