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Annual Dinner





大会主宾为烈强皇冠徽章宗长,他很高兴看到许多新会员的加入,使翁氏总会不断壮大。 晚宴开始,伴着萤光幕播放翁氏总会2012年会讯简介及会所新装修,本会主席两光宗长致词时指出:理事们不断的招募新会员,人数正不断的增加也年轻化,今年青年组的成立,使薪火代代相传,年青人受高等教育,对高科技有所认识,期望他们能为会所的未来做出贡献;今年很荣幸地协助新加坡六桂堂主办第12届世界六桂宗亲恳亲大会,理事宗亲们积极配合,圆满的完成这次重任。

在晚宴上,本会会务顾问、永久名誉会长兼产业信托人烈强皇冠徽章宗长颁发扩建会所乐捐奖状证书于宗亲们,以表彰他们热心于公会,无私奉献;本会会务顾问、永久名誉会长兼产业信托人海春PBM宗长、颁发2011年第43届会员子女勤学奖励金,鼓励他们学业进一步提升,今后能够饮水思源为本总会献爱心;学生代表翁玲宗亲致感谢信,感谢总会的栽培,将来踏进社会工作后,将回馈于总会;主席也颁发新名誉会长证书于宗亲们,鼓励宗亲为本会所做的积极努力。 总务崕财宗亲感谢会员、海内外六桂团体宗亲和至德团体宗亲及社团们今晚的出席,使宴会增色添辉。在众宗亲的大力配合下,取得令人满意的成绩,全体理事合作发挥团队精神,继续吸引更多宗亲加入总会,必定能把总会会务发展更上一层楼,为宗亲作出更辉煌的业绩。

过后全体总会及互助会理事、妇女组组员向来宾举杯三祝酒:祝愿国家繁荣昌盛,本会会务蒸蒸日上、嘉宾事业兴隆、身体健康。 晚宴在热烈的气氛中进行,演出嘉宾分别呈献多首乐曲和文艺歌曲,宴会在晚上10:30pm分圆满结束,大家怀着不舍的心情,满意而归.

Ang Shee General Association held its annual dinner on 8 Dec 2012 to celebrate the 47th Anniversary of Weng General Association, 42th Anniversary of Weng Benevolent Committee, 4th Anniversary of Weng Women Group and establishment of Weng Youth Group.The association also takes this opportunity to award incentives to young members with outstanding academic results; emphasizing the importance on education.

Members made their way to the association at 9 am to prepare the offerings for the Weng Ancestors. Led by Committee Advisor, Mr. Eng Liat Kiat, the ceremony took place at noon to seek blessings for the continuous success of the association and good health for every member. A sumptuous lunch was prepared for all members after the ceremony.

The Management Committee members arrived at Qian Xi (Paya Lebar) Restaurant as early as 6pm to ensure everything is in place for the grand event. Guests from various associations (local and overseas) started to pour in at around 730 pm. Guests gracing the events are Singapore Liu Kwee Tang management community and members, various overseas Liu Kwee Tang members and representatives from various countries. A total of more than 500 guests had turned up for this grand event.

Mr. Eng Liat Kiat, Committee Advisor, had commented that he is very pleased with the increase of young members that will definitely strengthen the growth for the association. Banquet dinner started at about 745 pm. Food were served for every guest while a number of running screens that show the association activities took place during 2012.

Mr. Ong Lian Kwang, Chairman, went up the stage to greet all members with his speech. The chairman proudly complemented the committee for their continuous efforts to recruit new members and their efforts for the past year. He announced the official formulation of the youth group which symbolizes the hope for the next generation of leadership. The completion of the association renovation had marked an important milestone which would provide greater comfort for members. Another important key point was made that the association was greatly honored by Singapore Liu Kwee Tang to allow the association to assist in their recent 12th Liu Gui World Convention event. It was inspiring to see everyone working towards a common success through this huge global event.

Mr. Eng Liat Kiat, Committee Advisor, was welcomed to stage to present Commendation Certificate to members for their generous contributions to the association expansion project. Mr. Ang Hai Choon, Committee Advisor, then presented incentive awards to young outstanding academic members to further encourage them to reach for greater height and hopefully to contribute back to the association in the near future.

Mr. Ang Ah Chye, General Affairs Director, was the next to present this thanks to all members and respective association representatives attending the dinner. He commented that the association success is the result of the co-operation and contribution from all members and urges all members to work together for greater achievements next year. A grand toast of three counts was made wishing a more prosperous Singapore, greater achievements, success to everyone career and blessings of good health.

Singing performances by local artists lightened up the event with various songs entertaining both the young and old. Banquet dinner was served and everyone had enjoyed the feast; letting their hair down and rewarding themselves for the hard work put in for the past one year.

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