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Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

Ang Shee General Association

翁氏总会于9月23日晚上六时正在总会庆祝中秋节,会员及亲属朋友约100人参加晚餐聚会。宗亲怀着喜悦的心情傍晚五点钟来到会馆分工合作,有的宗亲帮忙挂灯笼;有的准备祭拜祖先的供品;有的准备要分发的礼包; 有的安排舞台布置、节目、准备切割水果等;大家忙得不亦乐乎!


接着欣赏康乐组暨妇女组联合准备的一系列精彩的节目,小朋友欣赏着优美的音乐及提着精美的灯笼走来走去,有的小朋友还得到幸运奖品,所有近20位小朋友露出了甜美的笑容,让父母亲们开心极了;众宗亲也十分活跃,热烈参与登台献唱;接着是拨柚子比赛,台上台下一起互动,搞笑气氛浓烈,大家都捧腹大笑;紧接着进行了猜谜游戏,众宗亲积极转动脑筋。 在主持人的积极响应下,众宗亲来了一轮的喝啤酒比赛,在歌舞挥动下,整个活动气氛步入高潮,让关爱精神传承发展。


The Mid-Autumn Festival has always been a good time for all family to gather to enjoy a great evening together. Ang Shee General Association also made it a point for members to spend time together as a family during this special day. To organize this evening for approximately a hundred members is no easy feat; the committee had spent weeks of planning to make this event a reality every year.

At around 5pm, the members had already started to prepare for the event. Everyone was tasked with a checklist to ensure the success of the event. Members began to arrive with their kids at around 7pm. Our chairman welcomed everyone with warm greeting and a speech to thank everyone for their time. He expressed his great joy with the new young faces within the crowd; knowing that the tradition would live on with the next generation. An important point was made to urge members to contribute or assist in the upcoming related Liu Kwee Tang Reunion event. The event would take place in Singapore and members should try to help to host this event where members from the region would turn up for this major event.

Up next was the whole line up of programs to entertain both the young and old. The committee had arranged entertainment such as Karaoke sessions, beer drinking competitions, lantern walks for the kids, lucky draw and etc. It was a fun filled evening indeed.

​Event Photos

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