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1-Day, Yong Peng, Johore Bahru Durian Trip

Yong Peng, Johore Bahru

七月二十二日,早上六点半,约60多位会员宗亲集合于翁氏总会,准备出发前往新马关卡。办理出入境手续后,宗亲们假百灵镇大四喜点心楼享用早餐。之后,大伙儿续程前往素有"小福州"之称柔佛州的城镇–––-永平,并到天保宫参拜济公活佛。这里环境优美, 有非常壮观68尺高的济公活佛佛像、十八罗汉和众神像。参拜后,前往永平土产店购买土产。

接着,续程前往参观福州面之制作过程及购买现做现卖的福州面。忙人出门逢多雨,团队得知通往榴梿园的道路排满了旅游巴士后,决定改道参观永平富丽堂皇的黑龙洞, 内供奉全马最大的三尊圣君神像。期间,安排供应商把榴梿送到镇内。


At six-thirty in the morning of July 22, about sixty members of our clan family gathered at the Ang Shee Association, ready to set off for the Singapore-Malaysia Customs.

After completing the immigration procedures, we proceeded to the Tasixi Hong Kong Dim Sum Restaurant in Taman Perling for a scrumptious breakfast. When we had finished breakfast, we headed for Yong Peng, a city in Johore known as the "Little Fuzhou," to pay homage to Jigong (a Southern Song Buddhist monk) at the Tian Pao Kong Chinese Temple. The surroundings were beautiful, with a spectacular sixty-eight foot Jigong Buddha statue, eighteen arhats, and numerous statues of other gods. After visiting the temple, we went on to Yoyo Native Food Products in Yong Peng to buy some local products.

The next destination was a place where we could see how Fuzhou noodles were made and were able to buy freshly made Fuzhou noodles. Road blocks always appear when you're in a hurry, and that occurred in our trip too. When the tour group heard that the road leading to the durian orchard was crowded with tour buses, we decided to change our destination and go to the majestic Black Dragon Cave Temple in Yong Peng, which enshrines and worships the three biggest statues of the sacred kings in Malaysia. During this time, we arranged for the supplier to deliver the durians to Yong Peng.

Later, the tour group went to the Yong Peng city store to enjoy the local durians. We enjoyed a great variety of strongly flavoured durians. To those who can really eat, consuming the durians as soon as they are opened is the way to do it, as "freshness" is the top priority. In the evening, the group returned to Johore for dinner. With full bellies, we went home, having thoroughly enjoyed our trip.

​Event Photos

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