马来西亚永平一日游兼品 尝榴梿
1-Day Malaysia Yong Peng Durian Tour
随着到蜜蜂园及土产店参观及选购当地土产, 并续程前往永平榴莲园品尝榴莲及吃自助咖喱鸡米粉午餐,让宗亲及家属们大饱口福,午 餐后也参观了当地的购物广场。
The Recreational Committee organised a one-day durian tour to Yong Peng, Malaysia on 31/7/2016. A total of 68 clan members and their families participated.
The group set off from the Association's premises by coach to Johor Bahru for breakfast, then proceeded to the Ji Gong (济公) Temple and paid their respects there. Thereafter, the group visited the Yong Peng shopping mall. Next, we proceeded to the Bee Farm and visited the local product outlets. At noon, everybody had a durian buffet at Yong Peng. For those who were not durian fans, other food was provided, including fried rice and curry chicken. After lunch, it was time to visit the local shopping plaza.
The pleasant journey ended with a rich dinner at Johor Bahru.